How do we know what we claim we know? This is just one of the BIG questions that our open-minded thinkers explored at this year’s Theory of Knowledge (TOK) exhibition.
The Theory of Knowledge Course
The Theory of Knowledge is a course about critical thinking. Students explore the nature of knowledge and how it is acquired and applied across disciplines. The course challenges students to think critically about how knowledge is constructed, shared, and evaluated.
The TOK course guides learners in becoming more open-minded as they look beyond their personal biases and beliefs and consider others’ perspectives and experiences. Students are encouraged to be both skeptical and open to ideas, moving away from accepting claims at face value and towards a more inquisitive view of knowledge.
Students become more thoughtful, responsible, and purposeful by learning these critical thinking skills.
TOK has two components – an exhibition and an essay commentary.
The Exhibition
Our current DP students held their TOK Exhibition this term. Delving into questions such as ‘Why do we seek knowledge?’, ‘Are some things unknowable,’ and ‘Who owns knowledge,’ the cohort presented their initial explorations into how TOK manifests in the world. They invited students and teachers from across the school to come and engage with these presentations.
The reflections, questions, and conversations brought by guests at the exhibition will help these thinkers develop their essays. Thank you to everyone who visited this compelling exhibition and to the DP students for bringing us this experience.