Congratulations, Massai!
Massai began attending Brockton in Grade 7. Her earliest memory is meeting Ms. MacRae and Ms. Mills while touring the school, and discussing how to make transitioning into an English school after studying in French her whole life a lot easier. She remembers spending the day with her classmates, Lera and Mckenna, and how kind and inclusive they were. Maasai believes that Brockton has inspired her to channel her passions into the realm of the business world, where the “unwavering support” of her pursuit of a career in cosmetology and fashion has fueled her determination to venture into entrepreneurial endeavors.
Massai has been a member of the Community Action Team for Arts and Culture (CAT-AC) since Grade 7, and currently acts as the co-chair alongside Emmett (class of 2024). If she could give the younger students one piece of advice, it would be to cherish moments with your friends, as well as cultivate strong connections with your teachers.
Next year, Massai plans to pursue her studies in business management, where she aspires to establish her own company in the future. We have no doubt that you will do big things, Massai. Brockton wishes you all the best next year and beyond!