Congratulations, Ben!
Ben first began his Brockton journey in Kindergarten, alongside his twin sister, Olivia (class of 2024). His earliest memory is creating a dam with his classmates during one recess, which resulted in a neighboring house to have some drainage issues (don’t worry, apologies were made). Ben believes that Brockton has encouraged him to be the best that he can be, and is grateful to the faculty, particularly Ms. Leggett, for inspiring him along the way.
Ben has been a valued member of many extracurricular activities, and is currently the Co-Chair for the Community Action Team for Environmental Responsibility (CAT-ER). He is a talented athlete both in school and outside of school, and highlights competing in the Sea to Sky Track and Field Championships as a favorite memory. Ben’s advice for the younger students is to work hard and make sure to study often.
Next year, Ben will be studying Psychology at Huron University in Ontario. Brockton wishes you all the best in your future studies and adventures!